Friday 20 March 2015

Ancillary Product: Poster Feedback (1st Draft)

I decided to ask our target audience and industry professionals what they thought about the first draft of my poster. I decided to post my first draft on Flickr and below are some examples of the feedback that I received:

  • "An extremely good piece. I think you could do with some extra production information at the bottom either side of the release date as it looks slightly bare. This would make your poster fit to the conventions more. Maybe some social network references?"
  • "The effect on the image is successful at portraying the horror genre. I really like the 'ghostly' effect used. Well done!"
  • "It is clear straight away that this poster is for a supernatural horror film. I would maybe use a bit of red or something as that is a really conventional colour but other than that, it's great!"
  • "Amazing poster."
  • "I really like how all of the colours are very uniform and professional as they all fit within the same colour palette. There are also only three fonts used throughout, also giving it a uniform and professional look."
  • "I wish this film was real! Looks amazing!"
  • "Maybe include some extra information at the bottom as it looks a bit empty right near the bottom."
  • "This poster is clearly for a horror film. I love the focal image as it is intriguing and mysterious, as we don't know who the man is. Makes me want to watch the full film!"

Luckily I received a lot positive feedback for my poster. However, one commenter felt that there should be 'a bit of red' featured within our poster. I disagree with this comment as I feel including red within the poster's design would contrast against the uniform look that I have tried to achieve with the dull beige colour and black throughout. As another commenter agreed with me and liked how the poster looked uniform and professional, I am going to ignore the 'red' comment. One suggestion that I thought was a great idea was too include some extra information at the bottom of the poster, specifically social networking references, so I will be doing this when producing my next draft. Other than these, my first draft received a lot of positive feedback which is highly reassuring, as time to finish this project is becoming quite limited now.

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