Above is the ident for the production company, Lions Gate Entertainment. The main background image used in this ident is clouds, with the image getting lighter in the middle where the text is, almost as if the sun is shining through the clouds. A light ray is also peaking through the middle of the logo, also suggesting that Lions Gate is a source of light and happiness, reflecting their films and how it makes their audiences happy. The way that the image is lighter around the text makes the ident seem quite grand and bold, with the dark clouds around the outer edge making it seem that Lions Gate is bringing light and sun, and making everything better and happier, again reflecting their films. In addition, the ident almost seems religious as it looks like an iconic image of God being above the clouds in some heavenly, whimsical place, and this could relate to how they are trying to portray the production company as the best, and a leader in the film industry that everyone (audiences) look up to. The typography used is very bold, and the bright blue stands out against the grey cloudy background, almost contrasting the light blue sky colour with the overcast sky. It also has a 3D effect that again makes it stand out against the contrasting background, and almost makes it seem that the logo is jumping out at the audience.
A variation of the ident used for The Possession (2012), a supernatural horror film,
and that maybe would be more suited for our film's trailer due to the use of dark
colours, including red - a colour that connotes danger and blood, an icon. It also
looks like fire, which is something that features in our trailer and so this could
be an effective link. |
One thing that we are definitely looking to take away from this ident is the use of the clouds, as I think they are effective at creating an epic and spectacular image for the ident that is memorable for our audience. Plus, clouds are an icon of the supernatural horror genre as they create an eerie and ominous atmosphere conventional for the genre, and identifiable for fans.
The second ident I have researched is one of Hollywood's Big 6, production company Paramount Pictures. The main background image incorporates clouds, much like the Lions Gate one previously, and here they are used in a similar way to show that they are above any other production companies, and that they are the best. The main image is of a mountain, which relates to the 'mount' part of the conglomerates title. This makes it look like Paramount is a powerful production company with the use of this powerful image suggesting that they are atop the tallest mountain, something that no other company can do. Climbing mountains and getting to the top of them is seen as a very difficult thing to do and is often celebrated when someone achieves it, however this image suggests that Paramount do this regularly and are used to being able to get to the top with their films, despite it being difficult for other production companies to do so. The use of the stars circling the text suggests how they are a prestigious company that is often praised, and the stars almost refer back to the 5 star rating system that many reviewers use, or the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, suggesting to the audience that they are the best. The typography is quite sophisticated and elegant, and almost looks handwritten, however for our film, this style of writing wouldn't be effective as it is often has connotations of being related to romance and it may also not attract our young adult target audience. Although I believe it works well with this ident, as it fits in with the epic and detailed background and the way it is presenting itself as the best and prestigious.
The third ident I have researched is a production company that specialises in horror films, Blumhouse Productions. This ident is much different from the ones I have previously looked at as it doesn't present itself as being an epic and spectacular, prestigious company, but instead focuses on the genre that they work within and presenting that to the audience. The background image is of the corner of a room, in which the walls look dark, dirty and derelict, resembling the sort of locations that many supernatural horror films are set. The typography incorporates a house with the H, also suggesting and linking that many horror films are actually set in houses as it makes it more relatable for the audience. This would also be effective for our film as ours is set in a house, and incorporating a house into our ident is now something that we are going to consider.