Monday 5 January 2015

Planning: Costume Ideas

Costume is always a huge factor when conveying different characters through their appearance. As we are producing a supernatural horror film, conventionally the characters or at least the main protagonists in the narratives are normal everyday people and so our costumes are going to have to reflect this in order to create a believable product. Stereotypically, large families with a mum, dad and son/daughter feature in horrors or a group of teenage friends who are staying in an abandoned place for the night. As our main characters in our teaser trailer consist of a family, I have researched into the typical clothes a middle-aged man and woman, and a young boy would wear.

We will not have a costume for our ghostly demon antagonist in our teaser trailer as we feel if the antagonist is shown, it will make our trailer seem less realistic and amateurish as we don't have the access to special effects.

Melissa (mother/female protagonist)

For the mother, we wanted her to wear casual clothing so people can see that she is a normal, everyday character and it also means that the audience can relate to her. One of the main objectives for a supernatural horror film is to try and make their characters relatable for an everyday audience so they can identify with them and make them feel like what is happening within the narrative could happen to anybody. We will try and find a casual top, preferably colourful as it would connote that she is a happy character and will contrast against how her mood will be later on in the film/trailer.

Josh (father/male protagonist)

For the father, like the mother, we want to use casual clothing as will represent that the character is just a normal person which the audience can relate to. The clothing that we are thinking of using is stereotypically masculine and would be worn by men who are 30+, as stereotypically most fathers are of that age and conventionally stereotypical masculine heterosexual men are the main male protagonists in supernatural horrors.

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