Friday 9 January 2015

Poster Analysis: The Best of Me (2014)

The main image which is a close up of a man and a woman kissing takes up half of the poster, and directly hints to the audience that this is a poster for a romantic film. Images of a male and a female kissing are conventionally used within romantic trailers and posters as it is an icon of the genre which is easily identifiable for fans, which would typically be teenage girls as they stereotypically watch romantic films the most. The image is of a heterosexual couple, conventional of romance films as typically the target audience for romance films are interested in boys and the ideology of being in a relationship, and it being a heterosexual couple makes it overall more relatable for that demographic.

The colours of the poster are neutral, warm colours that reflects the warm embrace that the long shot of the couple are in on the poster. It is clear that the source of light is supposed to be a sunset in the background of the poster and this pathetic fallacy links to how sunny weather is often a convention of romance films as it reflects the happy themes often featured in the genres narratives.

The typography used is in a serif font which is elegant and feminine, thus aiming at the conventional female target audience. Also, at the top of the poster it states what the film is based on and how it is from the same author as The Notebook, a very popular romance book/film. Adding this will attract fans of the genre as if they liked The Notebook or the author, they will want to go and see The Best of Me. This is the same for the star system used at the bottom of the poster which tells the reader who stars in the film, and attracts fans of any of the actors featured on the poster to watch the film.

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