Thursday 8 January 2015

Poster Analysis: Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

  • The title of the film grabs the audience's attention. It is large, bold and in a bright gold colour which stands out against the image behind the title. They are in a metallic gold colour which relates to the sci-fi/action genre that we can clearly assume from the poster. The main words are larger and bolder, 'guardians' and 'galaxy' so they are clearer to the audience and hint what the narrative of the film is about. The logo of the production company, 'Marvel' is featured above the title of the film and is used for the audience to immediately identify with and persuade fans of Marvel films and comics to go and see the film.
  • In the main image used in this poster, we are introduced to many characters. The four characters featured are all in tall and proud stances with determined looks on their faces which make them look like they are ready for action and to fight, hinting at the narrative and linking back to the sci-fi/action genre. All of their costumes are also all ready for action, flexible, fighting wear that suggests they are ready to fight, again linking back to the action genre. They are all holding weapons of some sort, such as a gun, which again emphasises the action genre as guns are an icon of the genre. In the background, we can tell that the setting of the film may be in space due to the purple sky and the images of what looks like spaceships in the sky. This hints at the narrative of the film to the audience and links to the sci-fi genre, and will attract the target audience as spaceships, guns and weapons are things that fans of the genre want to see.
  • We can tell from what is mentioned above, the costume, setting and props used within the main image on the poster, that there is going to be some sort of fight, probably between good and evil, between protagonists and antagonists, within the film's narrative. We can assume that the characters featured in the image are protagonists as they are usually the main characters within sci-fi/action films and are usually the ones who are the main feature of the film's poster.

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