Tuesday 20 January 2015

Poster Analysis: The Last Exorcism (2010)

The main colours in the poster are muted, grungey and dark, hinting and foreshadowing the dark and ominous atmosphere that is conventional throughout supernatural horror narratives. It also reflects the derelict setting where the poster looks like it is set. We can tell that is set in a derelict building due to the wallpaper which is peeling off and the dirty floors and walls. Derelict buildings are conventional locations for supernatural horrors as they add to the creepiness as old and empty buildings are often associated with ghosts and the supernatural.

In addition to the mise en scene, we can tell by the long shot of the character's costume, that she may be antagonist in the film due to her dirty and disheveled clothes that give a demonic impression to the audience. However, it could also be the protagonist as the blood stains which are on the characters costume could be because she is a victim of some sort and so the image is quite ambiguous and intrigues the audience into watching the film.

The typography on the poster looks quite old fashioned due to the serif font that is conventionally used on supernatural horror films as it relates to the old settings which are often used within the genre. The font also looks slightly worn away which also relates to the derelict setting which we can see in the background of the image and is an effect that is often used for titles within the genre. 

An image of a cross is used on the poster which links to the theme of religion that the audience can get from the word 'exorcism' within the title, but also makes it identifiable for fans as religion is often a theme which is often featured in supernatural horrors.

The star system is not used in the poster which is conventional of supernatural horror film posters as well known actors never really feature in horror films and so including actors information wouldn't generally attract their target audience.

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