Thursday 8 January 2015

Poster Analysis: The Woman in Black (2012)

The setting of the poster features fog and mist along with dark and cloudy weather which adds to the negative atmosphere of the film and it is conventional of supernatural horrors to feature bad weather as it reflects the narrative and mood within the film. The use of fog also allows the person in the background in a cloak seem more mysterious and it intrigues the audience as to who they are and what their purpose is within the narrative, thus making them want to watch it.

The MS of the character in the foreground looks very serious and stern, also reflecting the mood of the film and hinting at the narrative for the audience. The fact that he is in the foreground also means that fans of the actor can clearly see he is in the film and will make them want to see it. Half of his body is in shadows, an icon of the genre and this emphasises the feeling of mystery and adds to the creepy atmosphere portrayed in the poster. The mise en scene within the poster is shown through the male characters clothing; it looks old fashioned and almost Victorian, hinting to the audience the setting of the narrative and as supernatural horrors are often set in the past, it makes it identifiable for fans of the genre.

The typography used in the posters title emphasises the ghostly aspect of the poster as there is a white glow surrounding the text which stands out against the low key lighting featured on the male character. The star system is used within the film's poster by including the main actors name, Daniel Radcliffe clearly at the top of the poster. This has been used as it will mean fans of Daniel Radcliffe will see the poster and then want to see the film.

In the background it is also clear that there is a large house, a conventional location often used in supernatural horrors as it means that the audience can directly relate to the  location and the characters and make them feel that what happens within the narrative could happen to them. It also looks as if there is a gravestone in the background which hints that a part of the narrative could be set in a graveyard, which has connotation of death and ghosts, conventional of supernatural horrors.

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