Wednesday 10 December 2014

Planning: Cast

Main female actress (Melissa):

This is the actress that has been chosen to play the main female protagonist in our teaser trailer. I think that the actress is a good choice as she looks sophisticated and someone who could pass as being in her early 20s, the age range we wanted for the character. In some ways, the actress may not be a convincing 20 year old female, however, as we are producing a teaser trailer, many of the shots will be quickly edited and will mainly be medium shots or close ups of the actress and so this shouldn't be too much of a problem. The way that the actress is presented in the image is the way we want to her to be presented in our teaser trailer, like an everyday woman that the audience can easily relate to and empathise with. As seen in the picture, we want her to wear generally natural make up and wear everyday clothing that present her as a casual, middle class woman. In terms of practicality, the actress is one of my friends, and so it is easy for her to be able to arrange transport with myself and arrive at the locations on time, as communication won't be an issue. The actress also studies Theatre Studies at A Level, and is experienced in acting and so we believe she will be able to portray a convincing female protagonist within our teaser trailer.

Main male actor (Josh):

This is the actor that has been chosen to play the main male protagonist in our teaser trailer. We think that the actor is a good choice as although he is only in his teens, he could easily pass for someone who is in his early 20s, and as previously said above, as the shots of the character will be very quick and focus on particular parts of the body, the fact that the actor isn't actually in his 20s shouldn't be an issue. The actor pictured is presented in a similar way as to how we want him to be presented in our trailer, like a stereotypical heterosexual male that are conventional of supernatural horrors. In terms of practicality, the actor is actually me so there will be no problems with transport, locations and communication.


For our antagonist, no actor is going to be cast as it is conventional for supernatural horrors to not show the antagonist as it is usually a ghostly figure that makes themselves known by causing havoc around the house instead of ever being seen. We could cast an actor, but to maintain a convincing final product, we feel that adding a seen antagonist could make the teaser trailer seem slightly amateurish and unprofessional, especially due to the lack of special effects that we have access to. 

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