Sunday 7 December 2014

Planning/Research: Props

Here is a few of the props that we are thinking of including in our supernatural horror teaser trailer, based on our narrative idea and the conventional props typically seen within the genre.

Blood is one of the most commonly seen icons within the horror genre, specifically in slasher horror but still occasionally within supernatural horrors as well. It is used to gain a shock effect for the audience, and some fans of the genre may enjoy watching gore when watching films. Blood is always from the protagonists in the film, and is caused by the harm of antagonists (ghosts/evil beings). I may use blood within my teaser trailer, however to a limited extent as using fake blood can look slightly amateurish and may affect the authenticity of the product.

A ouija board is typically seen within the genre as they are used as a way to connect with the supernatural world. They are used for the protagonists in the film to try and get answers from the antagonists who targeting them throughout the narrative. We may include this within our teaser trailer as many supernatural horrors include them and therefore it will be identifiable for fans, including Paranormal Activity (2009), The Pact (2012), and Ouija (2014).

Suitcases may not be one of the stand out conventional props within horrors, but it relates to the very typical storyline of a family moving into a new house, thus becoming an icon of the genre. Suitcases is a prop that we will definitely use in our trailer as it links to our narrative and the conventions of supernatural horrors. 

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