Saturday 29 November 2014

Planning: Team Member Roles

My partner and I have decided to give each other certain roles ahead of the filming and editing process for our teaser trailer.

My partner Tabitha will be in charge of the production side of our teaser trailer, organising when and how we will be filming our shots, and what equipment we will need and when to book them. She will be taking the main role of producer, and co-director with myself. Tabitha will also be in charge of costume and make-up, analysing the conventional make-up and costumes conventionally used within the supernatural horror genre and applying these to our actors to create realistic characters.

Charlie (myself)
I will be co-directing the teaser trailer with my partner, directing our actors and our cameras to create the right atmosphere and effects that we want to produce within our film. I will also be in charge of the editing process of our teaser trailer, working side by side with Tabitha to create a look that we both agree on and the conventional look of a trailer.

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