Sunday 30 November 2014

Planning: Risk Assessment

Tripping hazards
We will be using a lot of equipment in order to make our trailer effective and convincing, meaning the risks of trips and falls are quite high. Also, as a lot of our trailer will be filmed in low-key lighting, it may make it even more of a risk.
We will tape all wires onto the floor and make sure all equipment is secure and sturdy. If needs be, we will use torches when filming in low-key lighting conditions to make sure we can see what we are doing.
Equipment and set/props breakages
Like the tripping hazard, as we are using low-key lighting for the majority of our trailer, the likelihood of props and equipment falling or being knocked over is high. If a glass prop breaks this could cause a safety hazard and when filming outside, rain may damage the camera.
We will make sure that we are fully aware of the location that we are using and familiar with where props are to make sure we don’t bump into and knock anything over. We will cover any electrical equipment with covers if rain is an issue and try and make sure we film in dry conditions.
Unpredictable weather, especially at this time of year could mean that rain might make filming outside a risk as the outside of our location can become slippy due to mud.
We will wear shoes that have good grip, thus reducing the risk of slippages, but overall, try and plan a day to film when rain hasn’t been forecast.
Cold conditions
As some of our shots, specifically at the beginning of our trailer, will be shot outdoors, cold weather is very likely at this time of year.
We will have to make sure that we do our best to make our actors and us who are filming the trailer are warm and wearing suitable clothing for the weather to prevent us from getting ill.

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