Wednesday 26 November 2014

Planning: Location 1

The first location that my partner and I thought was suitable was a large family home that my partner Tab lives in. The house is fairly large like most conventional houses in supernatural horrors, but also just looks like an everyday house that an everyday family would live in. This is effective as we want our audience to feel that what happens to the protagonists (family) in the film, could happen to anyone which heightens their sense of fear and adds to the psychological horror aspects that we may want to include.

The house is also located in a small village, which adds to the sense of isolation that is commonly featured in supernatural horrors. Isolation is often included within the genre as it means that the protagonists feel alone and far away from any help if something bad happens.

Also, in terms of practicality, Tab is one of my close friends and so using her house as a location would prove helpful as I can easily travel to her house and film.

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