Wednesday 11 February 2015

Narrative Theory: Claude Levi Strauss

One narrative theory that Claude Levi Strauss came up with was Binary oppositions, and the idea that objects, themes or characters that are complete opposites to each other, helps understand and fuel each other. This theory is often applied to the narratives within films and their trailers. An example, is how the protagonist can be a very kind, thoughtful and selfless character, whereas a film's antagonist would be spiteful, evil and selfish character. These traits being so different that they almost compliment each other within the film's narrative, as it allows the audience to judge each of the characters based on their actions and form their opinions because of them. My film doesn't follow this explicitly, especially as my main antagonist is never full shown. However, at the beginning of the film, the male protagonist is a character who is kind and reassuring, whereas at the end, he becomes possessed by the antagonist and becomes the eventual 'bad guy' - thus becoming the Binary opposition.

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