Tuesday 24 February 2015

Filming: Interior Shots

Tab and I have managed to book out a professional filming light which will be able to cast 500W of light for my interior shots in the house. From previous experience, my partner and I know the sort of effect that low lighting can have on a camera and they can make many shots blurry and pixelated. With last years project this was the issue and as a result we had to re-film a large amount of our shots which is set us back a lot in terms of our schedule and deadline. This prompted us to borrow a light that we will be able to point towards the ceiling or the wall in front of the acting space so that the light doesn't shine too brightly, and allow the light to instead bounce off onto the actors and illuminate the room and create a warmer look for our shots. The addition of this extra lighting will ensure that our trailer doesn't look unprofessional and amateurish, which for a supernatural horror film can really affect the authenticity and effectiveness of the atmosphere in a lot of the shots, putting our target audience off watching our film.

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