Sunday 19 October 2014

Research: Narrative Theory

Tvzetan Todarov

Todorov believed that the narrative follows a formula:


The disequilibrium which happens in the middle of a film is something that disturbs what was established at the beginning, and the resolution of this disruption results in the creation of a new equilibrium at the end of a film. The formula can be expanded to include a recognition of the disruption and then an attempt to repair it before the new equilibrium. 

An example of Todorov's narrative theory in relation to my chosen genre, supernatural horror:
  • Equilibrium - A happy family are excited to be moving into their new home.
  • Disequilibrium (disruption) - Strange, paranormal activities begin which the characters become aware of.
  • Recognition - All of the characters realise that the strange happenings are being done by paranormal/supernatural entities.
  • Repair - The characters try to confront whatever is targeting them in their home or search for help from others (exorcist/paranormal experts/priests are conventional)
  • New equilibrium - A happy ending is very rare and unconventional of the genre.

Vladimir Propp

Propp analysed a series of Russian fair tales and came up with stock characters and character types that formed a code for the different characters that many films include. These include; a hero (protagonist), villain (antagonist), donor, princess, false hero, helper etc.
  • Hero - The main protagonist throughout the film.
  • Villain - Struggles to go against the hero.
  • Helper - Helps the hero in their quest.
  • Princess - Hero seeks her throughout the story but is unable to get her, usually due to the villains actions. The hero usually gets her in the end once defeating the villain.
  • Donor - Provides an object which is of great help to the hero.
  • Dispatcher - Gives the hero valuable pieces of information.
  • False hero - Tricks the hero into thinking that they are on their side when they're actually not.
Supernatural horrors often use some of Propp's stock characters. The hero would generally be the family or group of friends who are the protagonists of the film, but more specifically it is conventional that the father of the family or the masculine, brave male in a group of friends which is the one that tries to save the day. The villain throughout supernatural horror films are very important as they are what the whole narrative is usually revolved around, these conventionally include a demonic being or ghost which victimises the protagonists. A helper/donor/dispatcher in a supernatural horror would be somebody who tries to get rid of the being that is haunting the protagonists, these would include an exorcist or medium for example.

Claude Levi-Strauss

Levi-Strauss believed there had to be two different things that balance out the films narrative:
  • Good vs. evil
  • Sane vs. insane
  • Human vs. supernatural
  • Rational vs. irrational
These complete opposites show the opposing themes/characters/forces that challenge each other throughout the film's plot. In a supernatural horror, the main theme is good vs. evil; the good being the family/group of friends and the evil being the demonic force which is victimising the good. This also relates to human vs. supernatural too.

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