Friday 19 September 2014

Teaser Trailer Analysis - Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)

Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013)

Insidious: Chapter 2 is a supernatural horror film released in September 2013. It is the sequel to the 2011 film Insidious. It stars Patrick Wilson and Rose Byrne. It was distributed by FilmDistrict and Stage 6 Films and garnered $161,919,318 at the box office. The film received generally mixed reviews from critics. 

At the beginning of the trailer the incidental music is cheerful and happy. This is conventional of beginnings of horror film trailers as it lulls the audience into a false sense of security. We are introduced to the main characters at the very beginning which will intrigue the audience right from the start as there may be people who are fans of the actors and this may persuade them to watch the film more. The incidental music then becomes more sinister as the trailer goes on and the lighting becomes more low-key which creates a foreboding and ominous atmosphere for the viewers and is typical of all horror film trailers as fans of the genre want to feel scared.

The use of happy music, high key lighting and the normal titles which change later on throughout the trailer, shows the use of the conventional narrative structure of horror films, set by Todorov. This shows the equilibrium at the beginning as everything is as it should be and everyone is happy.
The establishing shot showing the location of the film.
We can tell from the establishing shot at the beginning that the location is a large, old house which hints to the audience the narrative and where the film is going to be set and also makes the genre identifiable for fans as conventionally, many supernatural horrors are set in large family homes. 

The diegetic sound of the children's toy in the close up of the female protagonists face is conventional of the genre as children's toys are often the subject of focus in supernatural horror films as they have creepy connotations surrounding them. At this point, the diegetic incidental music which was playing beforehand stops and the audience can only hear the music from the toy. The use of having no incidental music creates an eerie atmosphere for the audience and creates suspense which is often done in horror trailers. This shows the disruption in the equilibrium that we had just seen at the beginning of the trailer.
The titles showing the red typography and dark background.
In the title "From the makers of Saw and Paranormal Activity", some of the font is red which is an icon of the horror genre. The background of the title looks like an old, dirty and dark wall which also links to the supernatural horror genre and makes it identifiable for fans of horror. The use of this title persuades fans of Saw and Paranormal Activity to watch the film because if they liked those then they will probably like Insidious

As the incidental music begins to fasten and become more loud, the shots become very quick and only last about one or two seconds long. These shots only show the most dramatic parts of the film and are from the key narrative points which hints to the audience the general narrative to the audience. The use of fast shots are conventional of most trailers, not only horror ones, as they tease the audience by giving them little snippets of the narrative.
Example of a CU of one of the protagonist faces.
Throughout the trailer, there are quite a lot of close ups of the protagonists faces. This shows and emphasises the fear that the characters are feeling and this will intrigue the audience into what the protagonists are scared of and also make fans of the horror genre want to watch the film as they will want to be scared like the protagonists are during the trailer. 

There are many icons of the supernatural horror which are featured throughout to make the genre identifiable for fans. For example, in a medium shot of a backlit door, a shadow of a person is being cast through the window. Shadows are an icon of the genre and are often seen in supernatural horror films as they intrigue the audience as it creates a sense of mystery as to what or who is casting the shadow. The fact that it intrigues the audience is effective as this will make them want to watch the film and find out answers.
A CU shot which shows the low-key lighting present nearing the end of the trailer.
The lighting which was initially quite bright and high-key which reflected the sunny weather outside in the establishing shot at the beginning of the film changes to low-key once we have the disruption in the narrative half way through the trailer. This lighting creates an eerie and foreboding atmosphere for the audience which is conventional of the genre. 
The main title of the film which isn't shown until the end.
The incidental music becomes more fast paced and louder as the trailer nears the end which creates suspense for the audience and puts them on edge for the climax at the end of the trailer. Unlike other genres, a new equilibrium isn't conventionally made in horror trailers or horror films in general. As the incidental music becomes quicker, so do the shots which is conventional of the genre as it makes the trailer more dramatic, thus making the audience want to watch the film. When the music reaches its climax the title appears on screen. The fact that the title of the film hasn't appeared till the end is a normal convention of most trailers. The title incorporates red typography which is an icon of the genre and uses the same dark background as the title earlier on in the trailer which adds to the sinister atmosphere set throughout. After this, the release date is shown, also conventional of trailers.

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